Last september i bought an airbrush. After having been a confident brush-user for over 15 years, it was a traumatic experience to go through the learning process of getting started with a completely alien new tool. For a long while, I had a lot of problems getting a spray pattern that I was satisfied with. The paint came out like thousands of tiny spots, instead of the smooth faded look that I had admired online for so long.

Finally, I feel like I have come to a point where I can use the airbrush and be reasonably happy with the result. In my case, the solution was thinning the paint beyond any limit that I initially thought was necessary. I really can’t understand how people can get decent results with Vallejo Air colors poured “straight from the bottle” …

This is the first vehicle that I have painted using the airbrush, and I have also experimented a lot with other techniques that are new to me. Sponge chipping can yield some great results, but I think I still have ways to go before I get a good hang of it. Creating streaking effects with AK and MiG products and enamel thinner is a lot fun, but my favourite product is Model Mates rust effects. The fact that they dry with a very heterogenous, realistic surface that can be manipulated afterwards with water makes it really easy to create satisfying results.

So, here is the finished Centaur. I have yet to paint the driver, and I also plan to magnetise some Death Korps Engineers, so they can ride along to the battlefield and be put on magnetised bases when they disembark.


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